The SOMP AGM 2010 conference - Innovation in Mining will be hosted by Department of Mining of Tallinn University of Technology.

Program will contain conference presentations, poster sessions, SOMP Council and Committees meetings, workshops and will end with guided tours to Estonian oil shale mining district.

21st SOMP AGM Excursion Option 1

1. Option

Sponsored and organised by AS Kunda Nordic Cement: Ubja oil shale surface mine, Cement plant, Aru-Lõuna limestone quarry, Port of Kunda.

AS Kunda Nordic Tsement

Excursion Map
B-Cement plant
C-Port of Kunda
D-Aru-Lõuna limestone quarry
E-Surface Oil Shale mine

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From SOMP AGM2010 Excursion to Kunda Nordic Tsement limestone quarry

From SOMP AGM2010 Excursion to Kunda Nordic Tsement limestone quarry

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