Ave Õnnis, ave.onnis@ttu.ee , +372 620 38 50
Ingo Valgma, ingo.valgma@ttu.ee , +372 620 38 51
Department of Mining
Ehitajate tee 5, VII-202, 19086 Tallinn, Estonia
Phone: +372 620 38 50 Fax: +372 620 36 96
http://mi.ttu.ee/mining maeinst@ttu.ee
The 21st Annual General Meeting of Society of Mining Professors in Tallinn, Estonia (June 18-22, 2010)
Ave Õnnis, ave.onnis@ttu.ee , +372 620 38 50
Ingo Valgma, ingo.valgma@ttu.ee , +372 620 38 51